Hi, I'm Krissy!!

Thanks for visiting my page. I’m a mama, to three crazy boys, a baby girl & married to my best friend who I met at Walmart & started dating on my 17th Birthday.

How It All Started:

“Taking pictures” was something I always have loved. Growing up my mom was ALWAYS capturing our memories. We have albums on albums at home and it’s my favourite thing being able to look back through them. Because of that, starting in grade school, I would bring a camera to school and just take pictures of everyone and everything. In highschool, I took a course, but after my first son was born - thats when the love all started.

8 years ago I was selling some of my sons old baby stuff on an online mom swap. Someone offered me a DSLR to trade, and I thought sure why not. I then became obsessed with taking pictures and started capturing everything.. I started my little page, shot a couple sessions, got a better camera & shot a couple more. I’ve worked so hard, and taken thousands and thousands of shots and I still get so excited for the next session.